Friday, October 3, 2014

Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle is a continuous process of nitrogen moving around throughout an ecosystem.
It is an important part of many cells and processes such as amino acids, and proteins. It is also needed to make chlorophyll in plants, which is then used during photosynthesis so plants can produce food and energy.  
In most ecosystems nitrogen is primarily stored in living and dead organic matter. Then the organic nitrogen is converted into inorganic forms which then re-enter the cycle because of decomposition. Next, the decomposes in the soil chemically modify the nitrogen found in the organic matter from ammonia to ammonia salts. These salts are then carried out by a variety of bacteria, amniocenteses, and fungi. Which then we consume
We couldn't live without Nitrogen. In fact about 80% of the air in the atmosphere is Nitrogen.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

All about ME!

Hello! I'm Aubrey and I'm taking AP biology this upcoming school year. (14-15) I'm going into my Senior year at Sparta High, and I took this class because it seems very interesting, plus will help with preparing myself for college! I am hoping to learn a ton of new things as a student, and also challenge myself.  The picture below relates to this posting, because I am kind of scared to be in this class, but I know only good will come from taking this class!